Module 4 Bulletin

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Training Instructions

Team assignments will be announced soon.

You need to sign in to your Zoom account using the e-mail that you submitted to the registration service.

If you have not yet created an account, do so before joining the meeting.

Please note that this is YOUR account, so any error in the e-mail and password combination must be solved from your side.

The meeting passcode is: module4

This may change after some time.

Please try using the buttons above to enter the meeting. The meeting links may change from time to time, and your saved links may not be updated.

Please check if your team assignment is updated. Then choose the link for your updated team.

The features we use for our online sessions require the latest updates of the Zoom app to work properly. Find in the settings the option to update the app to the latest version.

If you are connecting through cellular data, make sure that you have a good signal for 4G or 5G data. If you are using a prepaid subscription, also make sure that you have enough load to complete the sessions. If you are connected using a Wi-Fi network, make sure that you are not too far from the router. At the least, your connection must be able to sustain a minimum speed of 5Mbps for Zoom to function properly and avoid interruptions.

Especially if you are using a computer, check the security or firewall settings. Make sure that Zoom is allowed to connect through the firewall, and you can ensure this by adding the Zoom app in the list of allowed apps. If you have a firewall setting set up on your router, you may check that Zoom is also allowed to connect.

Technical Requirements

  • Update your Zoom app to the latest version.
  • Sign in to Zoom using the email accounts you submitted. If you have not done so, you may not be able to enter the session.
  • If you are sharing a device with another MAT trainee as indicated in your registration, please make sure that you are in the same team.

Meeting Language Options

  • Main meeting room will be English. Interpretation of the sessions to Tagalog and Cebuano are available.
  • Language can be selected in the Zoom meeting room. This is in the “Interpretation” option located at the bottom of the meeting screen (sometimes in the “More” options).

Training Meeting Guidelines

  • As MAT trainees, you are required to attend to all class sessions and group study/reviews. You must also participate whenever called for testing.
  • Bring your own Bible, Hymns and Training Outlines for the sessions. Also bring notebooks and pens.
  • Please be in proper training attire:
    • Brothers – Dark slacks, white long sleeves with necktie, and dark leather shoes with long dark socks. If you need to wear a jacket, a dark formal coat is recommended.
    • Sisters – Dark skirt, white blouse, bow tie, head covering and closed dark leather shoes. No short skirts. If you need to wear a jacket, a dark formal coat or vest is recommended.

Requirements Submissions

Weekly personal checklist

Click below for your weekly self-monitoring checklist.

(Available from Lord’s Day to Wednesday only.)

Please submit this form NOT later that the Wednesday following the week being reported.

Submit Assignment: Hymn Singing

Use the form to below to submit the assignments for the Hymn Singing class.

Apply for Graduation

If you have already completed the other MAT Modules, the registration service will assess your credits.

Submit Testimony

Please submit your testimony by clicking the button below. You may type it on the form or upload a document or image file.

Submit Consecration

Please submit your consecration by clicking the button below. You may type it on the form or upload a document or image file.

Remedial Classes

Did you miss a class? Or do you need to clear an incomplete session? Click below to see the list of available remedial.

Schedules and Bulletin

Candidates for graduation

The names listed below are confirmed to have completed the three other modules, and may graduate after completing the requirements of this module.

Updates as of: Aug. 16, 2023

Listed by family name. Trainees must complete all requirements for the current module to graduate.

Abelo, Evangeline
Adaro, Edbard
Ade, Alicia
Aganan, Gina
Agpaoa, Rheya
Alan , Rosana
Alido, Evelyn
Alon, Cecilia
Almonia, Richard
Altubar , Edilberto
Amores , Jezreel
Amores , Marie-Kristine
Anano, Carole Joyce
Ancero, Dolores
Anding, Merly
Ang, Melinda
Angeles, Marilou
Ano-Os, Tita
Apiag, Celso
Apiag, Jocelyn
Apostol, Fe
Araña, Susan
Arañas, Hanane
Araneta, Pacita
Arcillas , Eduardo
Arellano, Jeralyn
Aviles, Gina
Aying , Febe
Ayuno, Miralyn
Ayuno, Renie
Babia, Mizraim
Bagood, Ivy
Bahian, Lolita
Baler, Rosabel
Balos, Bernadeth
Bañez , Cherry Mae
Bantilan, Apple Jane
Bantilan, Marx John
Baricuatro, Cora
Barquilla, Jena
Basbas, Romy
Bascon, Roy
Batol, Cristita
Batol, Rodrigo
Bawalan, Julie
Belano, Elsa
Belga, Ruth
Beloy, Jerame
Beloy, Josue
Benenoso , Paz
Berdejo , Catherine
Bernaldez, Raul
Bisnan, Antonette
Bonghanoy, Leonida
Boungan , Mercy
Briones, Evelyn
Briones, Noel
Buaron , Junjie 
Buaron, Shairyn Faith
Buca, Rebecca
Bugas, Ernafe
Bullecer, Dionesio Jr.
Bullecer, Rosefel
Bumohya, Heidelita
Bungad, Evelyn
Burgos, Eden
Burlat, Mary Irene
Burlat, Vilma

Caballero, Anita
Cabataña, Lowela
Cai, Rebecca
Calica, Ria
Calipara , Nelson
Callos, Josephine
Callueng , Norma
Calog, Russell Calog
Camacam, Nestor
Camaro, Mary Grace
Camunay, Al
Camunay, Jacqueline
Candawan, Liza
Carolino, Brenda
Cataluña, Hermojenia
Cataylo , Fely
Catindig, Lauro Jr.
Caupayan, Joel
Celi, Keith
Celi, Lourdes Georgina
Choa, Sandy Joy
Chua, Marites
Cobilla, Charife
Codia, Naome
Coseto, Genevieve
Cuevas, Myrna
Cutad, Mennen
Dacules, Charline
Dacules, Johnry
Dacuma, Shirley
Daef, Nietzschelyn
Dagooc , Mary Ann
Dangarang, Lita
Dapusala , Aileen
De Guzman, Jasmine
Del Barrio, Maria
Delatado, Anavic
Delfin, Bebeth
Delgado, Alma
Delos Reyes, Cristobal Jr. S.
Delos Reyes,, Bambie
Demoral, Vergie
Devis, Rolly
Dichoso, Rosendo
Diego, Cynthia
Dionela, Lina
Dionson , Alex
Dionson, Esmeralda
Doblas , Tommy
Docor, Gerlie
Donal, Jake Michael
Dugayo, Rowena
Dupra, Joel Juanito
Econg, Hermila
Edar, Raul
Ellamil, Elvi
Elopre , Elizabeth
Empeno, Crisanta
Endiape , Jose
Enerio, Reino
Erat, Lita
Eroy, Jemar
Escandallo, Antonio
Escorial, Josephine
Fernandez, Angelita
Fetalbero, Mia
Figueroa, Jean
Flores, Ruth
Francisco, Kristine Lily
Fulgueras , Rolly S.
Gabiola, Josephine
Gabriel, Boots
Gacusan, Rowela
Gajo, Vilma
Galande, Divina
Garcia, Nelba
Gaydao, Zenia
Geagonia , Lot
Geguiera, Gabriel
Genilla, Jessie
Genilla , Lina
Gloduve, Archimedes
Gloduve , Elvira
Gloria , Yolanda
Gloria, Salvador
Gonzales , Lorena
Guinanao, Cherry Ann
Gumilao, Delia

Heras, Lita
Hernandez , Maricel
Hidalgo , Gemma
Hingpit, Ethel
Ibaan, Marlene
Iwayan, Gina
Joloan, Roylan
Kwan , May
Labastilla , Winston
Labastilla, Emma
Lacaña, Milagros
Lacdan , Luvina
Lagco, Glency
Lagco, Saturnino
Lajola, Elisea
Lanzaderas , Jose
Legaspi, Luz
Legaspi, Maria Merna
Leong , Tchi
Leong, Armila
Leopoldo, Conesie Eunice
Libatog , Joel
Libatog , Melcha
Lim, Jeanette
Lim, Glen Kenneth
Lim, Julie Ann
Lina, Ephraim
Lina, Mercy
Locsin, Charity
Lopez, Danilo
Lubuguin, Hazel
Maata, Leonarda
Macabecha, Eufronia
Maceda, Mely Rose
Maculanta, Lorna
Magadan, Rosabella
Magalona, Marissa
Maghanoy , Nimse
Maghanoy, Charito Jone
Maghanoy, Josie
Maghanoy, Narciso
Maghilum, Gertrudo Jr.
Maglangit, Rebecca
Magno, Julie Ann
Mahinay, Diorety
Mahinay, Jhun Jhun
Makiling , Marites
Manaba, Conesie
Manahan, Imelda
Manapsal, Lucia
Manlupig, Teresita
Manoba , Roger
Manongsong, Rosanna
Manumbali, Nestor
Martinez, Teofilo Jr.
Mascariola , Charlie
Mascariola , Love Charleth
Masong, Nena Flores
Mateo, Rodel
Matusalem , Rosalina
Medico , Roselyn
Medico, Elecita
Medona, Lolita
Medona, Silvano
Mendoza, Maria Nina
Meneses, Erlinda
Menpin, Emily Christine
Mesagrande, Tessie
Millan, Jennifer
Millan, Norie
Misa, Rosario
Mogote, Rolando
Mones, Albert
Mones, Maria Clara
Montealto, Dolores
Montesa, Noli
Montesa, Ruth

Nacua, Ruth
Natividad, Annabel
Navaluna, Rachelle
Nini, Beth Eden
Noche, Aissa Khristzel
Obal, Concepcion
Oliveros, Corazon
Oliveros, Cristi
Ontoy, Ely
Ontoy, Jasper
Omapas, Jeson
Omapas, Pelbeth
Opiala , Criselda
Orantoy, Joan Margarette
Oroceo, Geraldine
Ortega, Cristina
Ozaraga , Perla
Pacatang, Erlinda
Pacatang, Welfredo
Padre , Maryjane
Pagaoa, Dionisia
Pagasian, Emma
Pagente, Edlyn
Pagapulaan, Myrna
Palangan, Elizabeth
Palma, Jessie
Palma, Joseph
Pancho , Felix
Panggay, Rachel
Parojenog, Cornelio
Parsons, Annabelle
Parungao, Evelyn
Pasanting, Lixen Mae
Pasanting, Wyne
Pascual, Lerma
Paulo, Sherwin
Paye, Susan
Perez, Christopher Rae
Perez, Joanne
Perocho, Jubelie
Perocho, Mark Anthony
Perocho, Natalia
Piedad, Joy
Pingkian, Jessica
Pogay, Letecia
Prieto, Emma
Pulido, Margie Lyn
Punzalan, Anita
Quequegan , Fernando
Quizan, Juvenal Jr
Quizan, Mildred
Quogana, Emilie Ruth
Rabanes, Juanito
Raganas, Ariel
Rallos, Orlandita
Ramos, Edmundo
Ramos, Florentina
Ranay, Rebecca
Regalado, Zenaida
Requina , Maribel
Reyes , Jocelyn
Ricohermoso, Eugenia
Rillera, Maria Cecilia
Rillera, Reggie
Rivera, Dinah
Rodrigo, Milrod
Rueles, Orlando
Ruiz, Emmanuel

Sabado, Danilo
Sadang, Danilo
Saguilot, Rosana
Sala, Reginagen
Saladaga, Geraldine
Salazar, Charina
Salinas, Rei
Salumbides, Shirley
Sandiego, Geniza
Santos , Josefina
Santos, Danilo
Sarmiento, Evangeline
Sarmiento, Jeruel
Sebusa, Wilfredo
Seneca, Mercedes
Sibal, Jenny Vi
Sisi, Eulides
Solante , Loida
Soriano, Carolina A.
Spandonis , Ginalyn
Sumagang ,  Evangeline
Sumagang, Jeshron
Sumalinog, Racquel
Sumalinog, Wendell
Taer, Petronia
Tabora, Ramonette
Taguiga, Angeline
Tahud , Elsie
Talao, Yvonne
Tan, Aida
Tañedo , Oliva
Tangarocan , Liezel
Tanulio , Joy
Tomala, Generose
Tong, Emerenciana
Torrente, Ma.Theresa
Trenea, Cristina
Tual, Prescila
Tuboro, Joseph
Tuboro, Rosa Vel
Tugano, Virginia
Tunay, Evelyn
Ureta, Zalde
Vilan , Farley
Vilan, Levi
Villagracia , Merasol
Villanueva, Marietta
Villarosa, Maribel Pslamos
Wenceslao , Febe
Wenceslao, Ricky
Yapyap, Lilia

Listed by family name. Numbers indicate incomplete past modules.

Alicia, Ade Alicia (2)
Anino, Amada (3)
Antonis, Maryknoll  (1 2 3)
Argawanon, Lolita (3)
Asilo, Ponciano (1)
Baquista, Noel (1 2 3)
Barazona, Danilda (1 3)
Barazona, Joel (1 3)
Bascon, Roy (1 2)
Bregildo, Edith
Bolaquia , Alfredo  (1 3)
Brioso, Jocelyn  (1 3)

Carrido, Rechelle (1 2 3)
Co, Luzviminda (1 3)Colintas, Carolyn (3)
Cotales, Diosdado  (1)
Cotales, Mercidita  (1 3)
Dagdag, Rosalina (3)
Damayo, Marlon Brando (1 2)
Dela Cruz, Arcelia (1 3)
Duhaylungsod, Jamies  (3)
Dumayas, Karen (1 3)
Elcarte, Sofronio (1 2 3)
Ellazo, Ameline (1 2 3)
Fernadez, Rosario (1)
Fernandez , Rosevel  (3)
Fuentes, Cristy (1)
Fuentes, Dionisio (1)
Galia, Marivi (3)
Gasper, Marecil (1)
Gogo, Cheryl (1 2 3)

Labastilla, Elias (3)
Lagasca, Richard  (1 2 3)
Lee, April Faye (1 3)
Leones, Malou (3)
Loquere, Rizalieta (3)
Lotilla, Gavina (1 2)
Maicom, Gilda (1 2 3)
Marcojos, Allen (1 3)
Millan, Jennifer (1 3)
Olarte, Eduardo (1 3)

Padulla, Edivina (2 3)
Pagapulaan, Myrna (1 3)
Parojenog, Shirley (3)
Pasion , Norma  (1 3)
Patalinghug, Mary Grace (3)
Pelarion, Ma.Elena (3)
Pestolante , Zenaida  (1 3)
Pulido, Manuel,  Jr. (2 3)
Regalado, Anita (1 2)
San Luis, Salome (1 3)
Sanchez, Efren (1 3)
Silacan, Merlyn (1 3)
Solante , Loida (1 3)
Sorongon, Reynold (1 3)
Sumanduran, Romy (1 2 3)
Sunogan, Elna (1 2 3)
Tabora, Bernabe  (1 3)
Tidalgo, Juanita (1 2 3)
Vilan, Franz (1 2)

Note: If you believe that you are graduating and your name is not included above, please fill up the form on application for graduation. If you have applied but is not listed, please contact a serving one for clarification.


Update your Zoom application.

If you are not using the latest version, you might encounter problems with the breakout rooms and language interpretation options.

Meeting Schedule

  • The Zoom meeting room for the session will be opened by 7:00pm. Please join the meeting room early to avoid technical difficulty.

Class Schedule

29WedOrientation Session
1SatNo class (ITERO-VT)
5WedBeing a Trainee
8SatNo Class (FAC)
12WedMorning Revival
19WedProphesying 1: Strengthening and Enriching the Lord’s Day Meeting to Build Up the Body of Christ
22SatProphesying 2: Prophesying in the Church Meetings for the Organic Building Up of the Church as The Body Of Christ
26WedProphesying 3: Preparation Needed for Prophesying
29SatProphesying 4: A Concluding Charge on Prophesying
3WedThe Recovery of Living the Life of the Altar and the Tent
6SatA Normal Life and Service
10WedUndeviating Loyalty to the Truth
13SatThe Spirit 1: “The Spirit Was Not Yet”
17WedThe Spirit 2: The Last Adam Became a Life-giving Spirit
20SatThe Spirit 3: The Compound Spirit Typified by the Compound Ointment
24WedThe Spirit 4: The Compound Indwelling, Life-dispensing Spirit in Romans 8
27SatThe Spirit 5: The Seven Spirits of God
31WedA Stable Servant
3SatNo class (MDC)
7WedManaging Personal Finance
10SatTaking Care of Our Physical Being
14WedPractical Fellowship concerning the Lord’s Table Meeting
17SatSinging Hymns
21WedPerfecting the Young Generation to Bring the Lord Back
24SatHow to Perfect the Saints 1: The Urgent Need to Perfect People in the Lord’s Recovery
28WedHow to Perfect the Saints 2: The Object and Steps of Perfecting
1SatHow to Perfect the Saints 3: Becoming Patterns to Produce Reproduction
5WedDeveloping a Habit to Listen
8SatArmed with a Mind to Suffer
12WedNew Jerusaalem 1: The Application of the Interpretation of the New Jerusalem to the Seeking Believers
15SatNew Jerusaalem 2: The Highest Point of the Apostles’ Living—To Live Out the New Jerusalem
19WedNew Jerusaalem 3: The Highest Point of the Apostles’ Work—To Work Out the New Jerusalem
22SatNew Jerusaalem 4: Crystallization-study of the New Jerusalem
26WedThe Speciality, Generality, and Practicality of the Church Life
29SatThe Increase and Spread of the Church through the Multiplication of Groups and Districts
2WedThe Building Up of the Service of the Priesthood
5SatCooperating and Coordinating with Christ for His Up-to-date Move
9WedSeeing the Body and Doing the Work of the Body
12SatThe Relationship Between the Working Saints and the New Way in the Lord’s Recovery
16WedMigration for Planting the Church Tree
19SatA Word of Farewell
23WedA Word of Love
26SatConsecrating Our Whole Life to Serve the Lord Full-time

Note: Class schedule may change without prior notice.

Living Schedule

MAT Weekly Schedule from March 29 to September 3, 2023

Note: Morning schedules may be adjusted to suitable time.

Teams and Groupings

Trainees are divided into teams for group review, testing and fellowship.

Team assignments

Team assignments will be announced soon.

Review the full announcement

Download the official advisory here…